
Balboa Park

Balboa park is the largest urban park in the U.S... I don't know for sure if we could describe SD as urban though...It is located near down town and includes widely known San Diego Zoo & 15 museums. They offer free admission for museums every Tuesday on rotated basis, and below museums were free today (3rd Tuesday).

- San Diego Art Institute/San Diego Museum of Art/San Diego Museum of Man/Japanese Friendship Garden/Mingei International Museum -

I visited all above other than San Diego Art Institute today.
As soon as ESL class dismissed, my friend and I headed for Chi Chocolat in Little Italy to grab a bite. Unfortunately, I left my camera at home again and didn’t take a photo of the plate I had. Grr.

San Diego Museum of Art was the one I expected the most, but contrary to my expectations, Museum of Man got me interested. This is maybe because of the interpretation by my friend who's taking an anthropology course at college.

Exploring the museums, chatting with my good friend at ease, feeling a great deal of crisp air of autumn, I felt I couldn't be happier.

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