This time, I rented a DVD of his latest movie called 'Click' which was displayed in front of the store all around the register counters conspicuously. My partner watched it on a plane and thought it's the kind of movies I would enjoy watching, so he recommended it too. He is fond of foul language but not in a strong level, and I am fond of uncomplicated comedy movies, and we both love Adam's smart sense of humor.
Here it's a brief.
Michael Newman, played by Adam, has a beautiful wife and two kids. He works hard as an architect and neglects his family. One day, he happened to obtain a remote controller with which everything can be controlled. He started using it and getting the hang of fast-forwarding the annoying part from his life. As he uses it, his life turns to be harsh to him.
After watching the entire movie, I reflected my behavior and somehow regretted just like Adam did in the story. I felt like being grateful to everybody around me.
It's teaching us "family comes first".
Oh Rico!
You must rent "Billy Madison" and "Happy Gilmore". They are very funny. A little crude and immature. Spanglish is also very good but it more of a serious side of him. "Punch Drunk Love" is NOT a good movie. Let me know how you like those. Do you like Will Ferrell?
Billy Madison was funny and I clearly remember the face of the bizarre guy who had a “List of people to kill".
I agree with you that the Punch Drunk Love is not a good one. I couldn’t help nodding off and even didn’t try to watch it again.
Happy Gilmore was not released in Japan and so, I didn’t take notice of it. But I'll rent it in a few days.
Why are you asking about Will Ferrell? I've never thought of him as my favorite or not. Do you have any recommendations?
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