
Potluck @partner's company

It seems recently that a rice ball covered with a sheet of laver has been a favorite food of non Japanese people. I would hear about 10 years ago that the black color of laver looks gross for especially children who were unfamiliar to Japanese food, and in the U.S., Japanese kids who were going to school with rice balls in their lunch box tended to be a target for being bullied.
Nowadays the rice ball, however, seems to be envied by kids who confused a rice ball with a sushi, saying "You are lucky! Your lunch is always sushi!!" It's all thanks to healthy food fad.

By the way, I prepared some rice balls for my partner's potluck at his company. It has small amount of chopped beef mixed with spicy miso in it. Believe it or not, it was their #1 favorite and I was asked the recipe from his colleagues :)

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