
New Year's day

Happy New Year to all of my friends. I wish you all the best in 2007 !!
My resolution this year is to enjoy myself without regret... as usual ;)

===and back to my diary====
Our next door neighbor is an old couple originally from Croatia. They are so generous that they let me into their house whenever they see me outside. Yesterday, it was around noon that they came over to my house, when I was away, to say a happy new year and give us a holiday gift of a bottle of wine & a chocolate box.
Therefore in return, I baked an almond cake today and waited for an opportune time until they drove back home from somewhere. We thought they might not let us go back home without any hospitality and it was true. We were invited to an afternoon tea and they treated us with a glass of champagne, cold cuts and homemade cookies. Our topics were diverse from our cars to cooking, and from Sea World to the difference between Croatia and Japan. It was interesting to get to know that there's an enormous disparity between their industry and ours, and their population and ours and so on. We had a great and precious time which we would never be able to have if in Japan.
One-minute visit came to a happy two-hour small party :)


Tom Bailey said...

I like your blog it is very interesting and revealing. I have never had an almond cake before.


aRio said...

Hello tom,
Thank you for your compliment.
The almond cake is made from almond power, and it's very simple. I complemented it with some lemon curd and whipped heavy cream! It's yummy :)