
Hello again

I did not mean to stop posting my blog... but it's been almost 2 months and I was taking a long summer break from my blog.
What I did during these days are below. Nothing special, but everything was fun♪ except funeral....

1. Spanish class - summer semester - started and ended yesterday

3 hours a day 4 days a week for 6 weeks
I was completely overwhelmed by tremendous amount of homework. (This is one of the reasons I procrastinated my blog) The class mates were American teenagers or at oldest in their early 20's except one nice Romanian lady and myself, and it was like I was in a high school class. But it was fun and reminded me of Latin gaiety, so I cannot wait for the fall semester Spanish.

2. Went to Pacific Beach midnight to see the life of Grunion.

I am NOT an ecologist though ...

What is Gruinion? (source http://www.dfg.ca.gov/Mrd/gruschd.html)
California grunion are small silvery fish found only along the coast of southern California and northern Baja California. Most sportsmen would be unaware of their existence were it not for the unique spawning behavior of these fish. Unlike other fish, grunion come out of the water completely to lay their eggs in the wet sand of the beach. As if this behavior were not strange enough, grunion make these excursions only on particular nights, and with such regularity that the time of their arrival on the beach can be predicted a year in advance. This phenomenon can be seen on many beaches in southern California. Shortly after high tide, on certain nights, sections of these beaches sometimes are covered with thousands of grunion depositing their eggs in the sand.

3. Went back to Japan to attend a funeral of my granma-in-law.

She was 91 years old and it was a peaceful death.
I stayed in Japan only for 3 nights and ate Sashimi as much as I could, and got my hair cut.
After one year and 2 months away from Japan, my first impression was that girls were wearing beautiful makeup and they were very thin and white, not suntanned like me...

4. Went fishing again

Terrible seasick and no catch.
One of my friends who caught 3 big barracudas gave me one of his almost 3feet but not-fit-in-th-fridge barracudas. I cooked it on my own :)

5. Went to LA to see Akio Morita exhibition and ate Santoka Ramen

6. Bought new PC & theater system

My PC was more than 5 years old, and so I newly bought a nice one! Whatever the PC was in the store, it would be much much better, faster and more functional than my previous one.

All above are my latest news. I will update at my own pace. ;)

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