I have been away for quite a long time from this blog, partly because I was in a plight of what I can't tell here, and partly because I'd been just busy, but mainly because I just wanted to free myself from anything that made me feel obliged. Yes, updating my blog was giving me a little sense of duty. Now I'm perfectly in good shape, phisically and mentally, gaining further energy under the California sun, that I finally want to start this again ;)
The end of the winter, which is inclined to be overcast or squall here in San Diego, evoked my perception that it already passed the middle of my stay in this country, pouring me sentimentality. Two years ago in April, in the same weather where girls wear camiloles and flip-flops, I moved to this place. Since then, two years slipped by, and I'm supposed to return to Japan in, at the longest, two years. What I'm experiencing here is precious and it would be regrettable if I don't take it down now.