In SeaWorld, we can see various kinds of show, and the highlight is Shamu show (killer whale). "Soak zone" where you will be highly soaked lies in front. We took seats on the last line of the soak zone and were prepared to be soaked to some extent, but it's quite something. My mom bailed out before Shamus come to our front. As a whole, we had a grand day.

Since I did not decorate the outside of my house, the children who knocked our door saying "trick or treat" were only two :(
There are three big bags of candies left over ...
Did you hear that the trainer of Seeworld got injured during the Shamu show? I am not sure whether or not Shamu attacted him. The New brought a couple of previous simillar accidents that show the Shamu attact the trainer. Sad! I've never thought Shamu is dangerous animal despite of super big big body. They must be stressed because of continuing shows.
I watched the same news about Shamu the other day.
It was lucky it wasn't worse and the Shamu which attacked its trainer seems to have got back to the show next day!! The responsible commented at the press conference that this kind of accident occurred only twice after its establishment despite the show has been continuing several times a day all year round, and it's very low probability.
By the way, I concentrated to listen to their talk before the show. As you said before, it urged us to give a big applause to the military and their family for their contribution to the U.S. and most of the spectators clapped their hands very naturally.
It looked strange for me, we never see this kind of scene in Japan.
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