
Unstable weather

The rainy season finally seems to have arrived here at San Diego.
According to a guidebook, it normally begins around December and continues till around February, so it's a little bit late this year.
Having said rainy season, it's only a few rain a month and usually lets up by the afternoon.
Yesterday though, we got a squall on and off all day long, and there were gridlocks everywhere. It reminded me of heavy snow in Tokyo.
Believe it or not, the morning news reported, "yesterday, there were approx 300 car accidents in San Diego". I assume the cause of tremendous number of accidents is not only the clumsy drivers who are unaccustomed to driving in rain, but also the treads of the tires are so worn that it causes drivers out of control on the streets.
In California, automobile inspection does not examine the tires but only smog check.
It might be sage not to sit behind the wheel in rain.

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