I babysat 4 kids today for two of my good friends who needed to visit their kid's school to see their teacher at parents' night. The age of children are, 7, 6, 5 and 3, only 6 is a girl and others are boys.
Babysitting is not my job and I am not used to do it for any children. Furthermore, I tend to talk to kids just like I do to adults. But since I see them either at my house, our community pool, or their houses at times, I was not afraid of being left alone with them. Just in case, however, I came over with some ideas to use when the kids fretfully cry.
My unprofessional tactics are ...
1. to draw Thomas and Friends with my poor skill
2. to lay floor with
Plarail 3. to make simple quizzes about, for instance, animals and insects
4. to ask them about dinosaurs
(when it comes to dinosaurs, they are connoisseurs)
5. to let them make a show and practice to play in front of their parents after they return
and if it still does not work, especially for a 3-year kid, my last resort was ...
to call their mom for help.
The result was quite different from what I had expected.
They merrily enjoyed their parents' absence and even asked me to leave the kid's room. Feeling a bit lonely, I myself started writing my free-writing in English, then kids came to notice what I was doing with a notebook and a pen, and surrounded me requesting a draw of their stuffed animals, Thomas and Friends and the like.
What made me feel content was the fact that the smallest child had been able to tell the name of the Thomas' friends from what I sketched :0 For me, though, they were all same and hard to distinguish their faces.
We enjoyed our time otherwise. They fought to kill a fly found in a living room with a flyswatter and succeeded to do away with.
Nothing precarious happened until the end, and instead of having made me fatigued with their bottomless power, the kids filled in my solitary night :)
I will be pleased to accept next time :)